First Day of School 2013

I keep trying to think of a fun way to start this post.  I've written and re-written my opening sentence.  But I've got nothing!

All I can come up with is...

"Today was the first day of school!"

I guess that says it all.

While today was the first full day of school,  yesterday we got to go see their classrooms and meet the teachers.


The kids got to drop off their school supplies and find their desks too.



But they got to leave with me when they were done!

And then there was this morning....the first official day of school.

school 6

And in good ol' northwest fashion, it started to rain as we waited for the bus.

school 7

But the kids had a great first day. And I spent my day running errands kid free!

Here's to a new school year! jen

{to see the first day of pictures from past few years, click here}