Father's Day Card

Do you need a last minute father's day card idea? I confess, this is NOT my original.  Thanks to Pinterest, I found a great card idea from Crafty Texas Girls.  But it was really easy to implement.  For all of you procrastinators out there,  this is an easy one!

You will need:

sidewalk chalk . . camera . . ladder . . children


Draw your picture with sidewalk chalk.

Involve the kids.  Mine decorated the flowers and drew the sun {ok, maybe I had a hard time letting complete control of the drawing go to my kids.  I wanted it to look a certain way. So I may have tried to control the creative process a little.}  Look what happens when you turn your back though....that sweet little heart with "we love you" in it shows up!!


Take your picture.

Have the kids lay down. Then climb a ladder and shoot your picture!


Wash away any evidence before daddy gets home from work!

Print the picture at your favorite photo lab or on your home computer.  Attach it to some card stock and your father's day card is complete!!

Happy Father's Day weekend!
