The Year of the Scarf

This blog isn't intended to be for clothing and fashion.  But today I couldn't help myself!!  This has been the season of the unity scarf for me.  I have two in particular that I love.  And both happen to go with what has become my favorite outfit.  It's comfortable and fashionable (at least i hope it's fashionable!). Here is the black scarf with black boots.

Here is a close up that will hopefully help you see the black scarf a bit better.

And look what happens when you switch up the scarf and boots? Totally different look!  A few years ago, I would have never worn black with seemed like a fashion faux pas to me. But now, it works!

There are so many great scarves out there.  And I'm always looking for a fun way to wear them!  I came across this great video that is both fascinating and educational to watch.  Are you looking for a new way to tie a scarf? Or just interesting in watching some great video editing?  Then watch this!

I hope you found some new ways to wear a scarf today!! Jen

linking up to:

savvy southern style, my uncommon slice of suburbia, the shady porch, the pleated poppy, momma go round, michele raven designs mrs. hines class, the trendy treehouse, the brambleberry cottage, shabby creek cottage, faith grace and crafts, saved by love creations, somewhat simple, a turtle's life for me, 2805, craft envy, i heart naptime, eye heart, my 1929 charmer, my greatest hits

fashionJen Gilday7 Comments